العنوان :مدينة نصر - القاهرة - مصر

+202 24721556
مدارس القاهرة الدولية للغات



The stage aims to ensure that all of our dear students have a full and eminent education. We foster lifelong learning which participates in gaining meaningful experience that helps students develop compassion, critical thinking and creativity.

Our Goals:

Kindergarten stage is mainly entrusted with:

  • Enhancing pupils' positive behaviour in different situations to develop good rapport and positive feelings towards others 

  • Igniting imagination

  • Creating a loving and caring environment in which each student's potential can be nurtured and supported

  • Learning through play and through structured activities

  • Developing physical skills including both large and small motor skills

" Don't give up! I believe in you all. A person's a person, no matter how small!"

"That’s what our staff follows."

As for our teachers, they care about the personal, social and emotional development of students and focus on teaching them how to be kind, share with one another, believe in themselves and their abilities, and understand themselves better.